Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall is around the corner

As much as I hate to admit it, Autumn will be upon us soon. Here in the Pacific NW, summer was short this year. I'm not complaining - we've managed to escape without any major catastrophes, unlike a huge portion of the country, but still. Short. Like, a couple of weeks, short. So, while I usually welcome fall with open arms, I'm heaving a heavy sign of goodbye to my white pants.

I have been in a major clothes shopping mode. Which is not like me at all. I do not like shopping for clothes, and I usually do it alone. But the fashion all of a sudden is extremely appealing to me: flowy sweaters with leggings and boots and cute slouchy shirts with long necklaces...oh who am I kidding - THE 80's ARE BACK and they are calling out to me!!

Check this out...I got this catalogue in the mail from a company called Simply Be. They carry clothes for sizes 10-28. Awesome. You literally could open that freaking thing to any page and point to something and I'd want it. Oh yes. There are some boots in there that will be mine. LL Bean has a whole BUNCH of cute things and they carry sizes up to 3X now! Hurray! Some of those Perfect Fit Pants will definitely be mine soon - thank you, free shipping! And a person I work with brought in a catalogue from Sundance - oh the slobber. I'm afraid I may have cause a few of her pages to stick together. And they do have sizes that go up to 16.  Now I also find out that Two Whole Cakes actually found cute on sale things at the Nordstrom Rack. Be still my heart! And she's giving away a $100 gift card to boot, so, go get 'em, girls! The last time I was in the Rack, the only thing I could find in my size was shoes. Which is not to say that I didn't find anything I liked, haha.

I guess I'm looking forward to working in a sort of fashiony work place this year and seeing what everyone comes up with. We like to brighten up our lives with cute clothes...and why not? Lord knows when the sun will come out again! Might as well find a cute hand bag and some killer socks.


  1. Amen, sister.

    Well, except for the embracing fall bit - I'm holding out for the forecast (possibly one of the recklessly optimistic ones) that says we'll be into the low 80s this week. Hmmm.

  2. i need to get me some of them socks!!!! the rainbows will keep fall and winter at bay, right???
