Day 14 is Your Favorite Fairy Tale
I never liked fairy tales very much.
I do like the show Once Upon A Time, because it changes everything all up and also has a great cast.
The fairy tale that always gave me the most trouble was The Princess and the Pea. I just despised that princess. I mean really. A pea? I never believed her. Rumpelstiltskin was creepy and why wouldn't she just stop spinning for him? You can always say no, was my thought. Never negotiate with a kidnapper. Rapunzle, SnowWhite, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty - all pretty much the same fairy tale, am I right?
I did have a year when I wanted a Cinderella dress more than anything else. I would always clarify and say, "The pretty one", to make sure there was no misunderstanding. I was six, maybe? Definitely first grade. I'm not sure why I wanted that dress. And this was 1977, friends. You couldn't just run out to Marshall's and buy one for $12.99. No, your mom had to make you one, or you had to actually BE Cinderella. I remember thinking about how awesome I would be, swinging in the playground in the Cinderella dress. It would be billowing in the breezy as I swung higher than anyone else, and they would all realize that I was indeed a princess.
Okay, you can stop all that guffawing. Because Santa at Canby Square in 1977 already put me in my place by telling me that I was in no shape to wear such a dress and to choose something more realistic. Like a jump rope. To get in shape. Come to think of it, this could explain my extreme disdain for fairy tales.....
So I'm choosing a grown up version of a fairy tale: The Lady In The Water by M. Night Shayamalan.
It has all qualities of a great fairy tale, plus Paul Giamatti, who, by the way, can be in every movie ever made from now on, please. Thank you.
The End
I loved The Lady in the Water. I loved how the story unfolded. And that's a great sketch to represent it!