Day 2 - Favorite animal.
I couldn't decide. I have always loved Elephants. When I was 10, I got to ride an elephant and I pretty much wanted to take her home with me and keep her in my backyard afterward. The elephant handlers started giving me the evil eye after my ride was over and I wouldn't go away. They keep a pretty tight handle on those girls, I'll tell ya that much.
I also love horses, dogs, cats, birds (I love so many birds!), orangutans, and frogs. But as I am the proud mom to a sweet little house bunny named Oliver, I felt like it would be insulting to leave him out of the "favorite animal" sketch. You do not want to insult the bunny. His teeth are very sharp and my shoe laces don't stand a chance as it is.
I know...that is one big rabbit, or one tiny elephant!
Happy sketching!
Awwww ...!