Tuesday, April 30, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 19

Via The Dawnie Project

Day 19 of the drawing challenge is Something New

I was inspired today by The Bloggess today:

I decided to combine the two things. Art for awesomeness, indeed!
It's definitely new, because as many unicorns as I have drawn in my life (mostly between ages 8 and 11), I never thought to draw this!


Sunday, April 28, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Days 16 & 17

Drawing Challenge via The Dawnie Project

(due to Blogger not allowing me to upload photos from my iPad (grumblegrumble), I'm posting two days at once)

Day 16: Inspiration

As previously stated, books are a big part of my life. It's been a crazy year (it's been a whole year!) since my life was changed from top to bottom and I've found everything from advice to solace to plain old escape, and more than a little inspiration in the books that I've read this year.

Day 17 (today) - Favorite Plant:

It's spring! And today was a gorgeous day to be out walking around a beautiful city. And all of my favorite things are blooming. But it's the lilacs that really get me, every time. I like all the colors, but the deep purple ones are my favorite and they smell like heaven and sunshine all covered in happy sauce. Dreamy. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 15

Via The Dawnie Project

Day 15 - Family

I've had this picture floating around in my head for a while now. It started out as a tree of life image. Something rooted to the earth, well grounded. Strong. Steadfast. But it works as a family tree, too. The idea that no matter how the family dynamic changes, it's still family. After all the anger and hurt and distrust simmers down, it's still family.

My family assimilates people. Resistance is futile. Once you are in, you are in for life, so don't even try to back out. We just keep people around, for better or worse. I like that aspect of our family, knots and all.

This is a ink and paper drawing I did of my family tree/tree of life. Just the first sketch.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 14

Via The Dawnie Project

Day 14 is Your Favorite Fairy Tale

I never liked fairy tales very much.
I do like the show Once Upon A Time, because it changes everything all up and also has a great cast.
The fairy tale that always gave me the most trouble was The Princess and the Pea. I just despised that princess. I mean really. A pea? I never believed her. Rumpelstiltskin was creepy and why wouldn't she just stop spinning for him? You can always say no, was my thought. Never negotiate with a kidnapper. Rapunzle, SnowWhite, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty - all pretty much the same fairy tale, am I right?

I did have a year when I wanted a Cinderella dress more than anything else. I would always clarify and say, "The pretty one",   to make sure there was no misunderstanding. I was six, maybe? Definitely first grade. I'm not sure why I wanted that dress. And this was 1977, friends. You couldn't just run out to Marshall's and buy one for $12.99. No, your mom had to make you one, or you had to actually BE Cinderella. I remember thinking about how awesome I would be, swinging in the playground in the Cinderella dress. It would be billowing in the breezy as I swung higher than anyone else, and they would all realize that I was indeed a princess.

Okay, you can stop all that guffawing. Because Santa at Canby Square in 1977 already put me in my place by telling me that I was in no shape to wear such a dress and to choose something more realistic. Like a jump rope. To get in shape. Come to think of it, this could explain my extreme disdain for fairy tales.....

So I'm choosing a grown up version of a fairy tale: The Lady In The Water by M. Night Shayamalan.
It has all qualities of a great fairy tale, plus Paul Giamatti, who, by the way, can be in every movie ever made from now on, please. Thank you.
The End

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 13

Via The Dawnie Project

Day 13 is comic.
I don't really read comics. I used to read what my dad called The Funnies in the newspaper. Once in a while I still like to read Peanuts, or Calvin and Hobbes. My favorite was Bloom County, back in The Day. I realized that I still needed to draw something rather late, as tonight was yoga night. So I drew this horrifying thing. But it pretty well shows how I feel in yoga most nights.
This is why I should keep my day job. And keep going to yoga! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 12

Via The Dawnie Project

Day 12 of the drawing challenge is Most Recent Accomplishment

I recently started Kickboxing with some ladies that I work with. We go on Monday mornings and kick the crap out of some big bags while a very muscular young fella shouts at us and eggs us on. It's actually really fun, even though I do a lot of groaning. The accomplishment is not so much the kickboxing (I don't think I could take anyone in the ring), but just the fact that I get out of the house, on my day off, spend some time with my friends and move my body around until I'm a big sweaty mess. 
Mission accomplished. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 11

Turning Point

Am I the only one who was obsessed with Mikhail Baryshnikov in the 80’s? The movie White Nights was the first thing – Gregory Hines was amazing also. But then I watched The Turning Point about 50 times over a summer. Mikhail was just so dreamy! And young Shirley MacLaine- awesome.

But I digress. The drawing challenge for Day 11(via The Dawnie Project ) is A Turning Point in Your Life.
Without question the biggest turning point in my life was the birth of my son.

The drawing is nothing to write home about, or blog about, for that matter. But it is an excuse to write about one of the most profound things I've been through. Before the birth I had a dream so vivid that the content of it has never left my consciousness. In my dream I was walking in an industrial area, between huge warehouses in various stages of disrepair. I came to one where there was a line of people waiting outside to get in. In my dream I got in the line, not knowing fully what everyone was waiting for, but knowing that I was supposed to be in the line. There was an anxious energy with all the people in the line, but no one was speaking. It was quiet except for the shuffling of feet on the gravel. As I got up to the front of the line, and the door of the warehouse, I could finally see a into the dark interior and make out what was happening. At the front of the line, someone was there giving each person waiting a shroud made out of a rough fabric, like burlap, but dark brown. We were to put them on before entering. The shrouds were to make it easier for the people inside to light us on fire! I became extremely nervous and agitated, but I did not leave the line. I knew that this was supposed to happen, even if I was terrified of the pain, of what would happen to me when the burning was over, how disfigured I would be, if I even survived the process. But I put on the shroud and entered, prepared to accept my fate. The floor was dirt and there were small, cot-like pallets, close to the ground, in rows and there were people guiding everyone to their own space. I was guided to lay down on the pallet and I did. The guides were gentle but silent. My shroud was lit without ceremony, and I was thrilled to realize that the fire was painless! In fact, I felt a sort of euphoria and a letting go; it was as if all the things I didn’t need any more were being taken away by the flames and I was being cleansed. Before very long, the guide began putting out my fire. I asked for her to please let it keep going, I wanted everything to be burned away until I was brand new again. She replied that I would have to come back again some other time – later. Then I was guided out of the warehouse and into the light.

I woke up to my first contraction.
It was a long but relatively uneventful, drug free labor. I was watched over by three women who I am forever indebted to for putting up with me in that state for that many hours. My son was perfect and I did indeed feel like both he and I had just been through a birth, on many levels. It was transforming.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 10

Via The Dawnie Project

Drawing Challenge day 10 - Favorite Candy

Actually, I'm not a big fan of candy. I don't like stuff that sticks to my teeth, the artificial colors make me feel icky and something about candy always makes the inside of my mouth feel raw. Sometimes I buy candy at the British Connection and it's not so bad (the UK doesn't allow as many nasty things in their food as the FDA), but if I'm going for something sweet, I'll usually pick a cookie or some sort of pastry instead. I will eat Red Vines if they are around. I like gummy anythings - there were some really good gummies in Scotland! My Grandma always had the sugared orange wedge gummies in a dish at her house. 

My mom told me recently that in Grandma's house, the treats that were out in the dish were expected to last a very long time. She said that if she went to take a piece of candy out of the dish, she looked at her mother to make sure it was okay, and if she got The Look, she put it back. You would only take one piece of candy out of Grandma's dish. And now that I think about it, I think I only remember ever having one of those orange gummies, ever. 

I can't keep candy in a dish at my house because my son will devour everything in it before I ever get a chance to have some. I guess I'm a bit like Grandma that way. I'd like to have it around, but I would only want a piece once in a while, myself. It's no use to me if there's someone else around gobbling it up. So I don't really buy candy. 

But if there were some of these lying around today, I would have a very hard time resisting. Sweetarts are pretty good. The giant chewy Sweetarts? Oh Emm Gee. 

Sunday is a Great Day For

The first day of the weekend is so delicious. I like to savor every one. Especially the ones where I don't have a schedule that I have to keep. A quick list of some of my favorite weekend activities:

1. waking up early, realizing that it's Sunday and then sleeping late
2. making coffee and having more than one cup
3. making the boy hot chocolate
4. playing with the bunny
5. reading
6. finding a new place to explore outside
7. grits
8. not making the bed
9. a ponytail
10. day dreaming

What's on your Sunday list?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 9

Via The Dawnie Project
Drawing Challenge Day 9 - Favorite TV Show

Wow. I just realized that The X Files has been off the air for more than a decade now. I need to get a life. In any case, this is the show I watch when I'm sick. Or depressed. Or if I need to just BE. The X Files, as cheesy as it was, is my go to show. Favorite episodes:

1. The Post-Modern Prometheus
2. Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose
3. Triangle
4. How The Ghosts Stole Christmas
5. Dreamland I & II


Friday, April 19, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 8

Via The Dawnie Project

Day 8 - Favorite Animated Character

I have to admit, I was really trying hard not to pick something that was of Disney origin. I was unsuccessful. I don't really watch a lot of animated things right now, even though there are so many animated shows and movies that are made for adults these days. This is something from my childhood that I still find compelling.

Happy Sketching!

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 7

Via The Dawnie Project

Drawing Challenge Day 7 - Favorite Movie

Also a hard thing to favorite. But I have one favorite that I watch over and over. And not just because my son watched it 2000 times. It's the perfect movie: humor, romance, action, suspense - it has everything. It's the perfect movie, no matter what mood I'm in.
The Princess Bride

Now I need to go watch it again! Happy sketching! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. My feet were sort of tired today, despite me not really having any clients at work, and I was walking down the isle thinking that I hoped I didn't look like I was limping in my wedges, because I always think it looks dumb when people wear shoes that they can't walk in. 

Then a woman walked past me pushing a cart that was full of at least 3 gigantic bags of kitty litter. She was about my age, too. 

After that I thought, hey! Even if I can't walk in my shoes today, I'm still doing pretty good! 

I know. I'm a terrible person. 

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day Six

Via The Dawnie Project

Day Six - Favorite Book

Oh dear. I'm afraid I'm going to start looking like a cop out! But seriously, I cannot pick just one book. I'm actually thinking that I should have added a book to my "best friend" picture because books are like my friends. I really love them. In grade school, I remember cleaning off the shelves of Beverly Cleary and Judy Blume. Then all the Little House books. Then the Chronicles of Narnia. There was this one really great book I checked out again and again - i just found it recently and check it out for my son - it was about how the Roman's built their cities. The librarians must have thought I was trying to build my own city, for the number of times I checked that thing out! 

I will read just about anything. I like it all. One vacation to hawaii when I was 13, the house we rented had a shelf full of vintage (like 60's era) Harlequin Romance novels and I read every single one of them while lying on the beach, or next to the pool. They were horrible and they all had the same scheme and they were absolutely perfect for a vacation - you could easily finish one in a day. 

Some of my favorite books, in no particular order:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The Red Tent
Jitterbug Perfume
Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Cannery Row
I'll read anything by Stephen King and I don't care how nutty he gets
The Hour I First Believed
The Color Purple
The Poisonwood Bible
Eat Pray Love

I could keep going. But you get the idea - there is no real theme there. I usually have more than one book going at a time. Right now I'm slogging through Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, which is really difficult for me to get through for some reason, The Game of Thrones, The Double E, and Writing Down the Bones. Plus I have at least 4 others that I haven't started yet. The reading list is never ending. I have a couple of books that I will read at least once a year, but there are so many new ones to read, I don't get around to re-reading very often.

It would be more accurate to say the Library is my favorite. 

Happy sketching!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day Five

Via The Dawnie Project

Day 5 - Best Friend

I find it impossible to point to one single person as my "best friend". I have been lucky to find many people who are all incredibly important to me, all in different ways. So for this one I drew a picture of the thing that lets me keep in touch with everyone one of them: my trusty computer. 

I also put a coffee cup out there because coffee is also my best friend. 
Happy sketching! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

30 Day drawing challenge, day four

Day four of the drawing challenge - favorite place

My favorite place is, unequivocally, home. I like a lot of other places, don't get me wrong. The forest is always nice, the top of a mountain, any body of water I can swim in, the coast (east or west). But what I really love is coming home and seeing that door that means I'll be walking into my own, private sanctuary. Glinda knew what she was talking about.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day Three

Via The Dawnie Project

Day Three - Favorite Food

Sushi. Sushi is my favorite. If I could eat it every day, I would always enjoy it.
When I first learned to love sushi, there was only one place in the greater Portland metropolitan area that had conveyor belt sushi. and that was Marine Polis Sushiland. Sushiland was on the opposite side of the West Hills from where I and all of my friends lived at the time, so we only made it there about once a month or so. Someone had to have the idea, then someone had to have a car that was running and had gas in it. Then we would pile as many people as possible into the car and drive to the west side.

As we sat on the vinyl waiting benches, watching the sushi go around and around the conveyor belt, we would joke and count all the things that we were going to grab as soon as we sat down. We would wait for a booth to open up and then most of the talk would subside except for the people on the outside of the booth asking the people next to the belt to grab certain dishes before they were conveyed to the next person waiting to grab it up. Plates would pile up. The sign on the wall said: Green Plate $1.00, Orange Plate $1.50, Blue Plate $2.00. In those days, the blue plate was reserved for special occasions. We mostly stuck to the green and a few orange.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

30 Day Drawing Challenge - Day 2

Via The Dawnie Project.

Day 2 - Favorite animal.

I couldn't decide. I have always loved Elephants. When I was 10, I got to ride an elephant and I pretty much wanted to take her home with me and keep her in my backyard afterward. The elephant handlers started giving me the evil eye after my ride was over and I wouldn't go away. They keep a pretty tight handle on those girls, I'll tell ya that much.

I also love horses, dogs, cats, birds (I love so many birds!), orangutans, and frogs. But as I am the proud mom to a sweet little house bunny named Oliver, I felt like it would be insulting to leave him out of the "favorite animal" sketch. You do not want to insult the bunny. His teeth are very sharp and my shoe laces don't stand a chance as it is.

I know...that is one big rabbit, or one tiny elephant! 
Happy sketching! 

Friday, April 12, 2013

I found this 30 day Drawing Challenge Meme over at The Dawnie Project. She's a super fun lady and you should go follow her right now. I'm not good at sketch. I like using the sketch app on the ipad, though. It feels more forgiving than pencil and paper. Not forgiving enough, but I'm going to publish all my sketches here anyway. 

Day One: Yourself

I just got some new reading glasses. My first reading glasses, actually. 
Happy sketching! 

Monday, April 8, 2013

One Ignorant American In Line at Customs

I would like the record to show that when you get your US passport in the mail, there is no instruction manual.  There isn’t any sort of leaflet along with the passport that tells you to please visit the YouTube Channel for the country you are visiting to see what you will need at the customs desk. There is no PDF to download that gives you information about what questions you will be asked, or what documents you should carry. You get the passport and are basically told, “good luck!”. Indeed!

I probably could have looked all of those things up ahead of time, but honestly, it did not even occur to me to think about any of it. I assumed that once I got to customs, they would tell me what I needed to know. I assumed, wrongly, that if I intended to do no wrong, there would be no issue getting into the UK on a US passport. Au contraire!

It’s not like I’ve never entered a foreign country before. I traveled in Europe when I was in high school. I’ve traveled to Mexico and the Caribbean and Canada, all requiring a passport and a trip through customs. These trips did not adequately prepare me for the disdain I encountered upon arrival at the Edinburgh Customs desk after disembarking my plane.

I would like to provide this short list of thing you can do to prevent the inquisition:

1.     Print out your flight details. Even if the airlines you’re flying with has the fancy new smart phone scanning technology, go old school! The use of phones is not allowed in the Customs area (this is not something that any wants you to know until you get there and all of your flight details are listed only on your smart phone and you have to tell the customs agent that you can only show her an email from your airlines with the flight details, which she will begrudgingly write down), and you should have a piece of paper that shows exactly when you are planning on leaving the country.
2.     When asked how much currency you’re carrying, do not give a precise amount. Just say, enough for my needs. Really, they cannot force you to say how much currency you’re carrying, unless you have more than 10,000 pound. Otherwise, you do not have to declare an amount and they can ask you, but you do not have to tell them. If they ask you how much you have, you can legally say, “less than $10,000” and they can’t really hassle you about it.
3.     The only other thing I can think of is maybe put a change of clothing in your carry on so that when you get off the plane you don’t look like you’ve been on a plane for 10 hours. I did brush my hair and teeth, but I’m sure I looked ragged. Not that I was the most raggedy person in that line, I’ll tell you.
Actually, I’m not sure what to do when they start asking questions that you are legally not required to answer. At the time, my feel was, this lady, no matter how huge the bug is that is up her ass, has control over whether or not I enter the country. So I played nice. Even when she called my “story” about having a friend come to pick me up “half cocked”. Even when she told me that she didn’t want to find me pan handling outside Marks and Spencer the next day. Even after she made me sit on the Bench of Shame, while I waited for every other person disembarking three different planes to go through customs. Even when she said she’d put some sort of stamp on my passport indicating that I was “trouble” (there is nothing on there that I could see that said “trouble” in any language, but who knows?). I just smiled and said yes ma’am and no ma’am. And finally, after calling my friend who was indeed waiting outside the International Arrival Gate with her two small children (one of whom was screaming now) to verify my “story”, she admitted me to Scotland.

To be fair, her accent put her as a Brit, not a Scot. And everyone I met after that seemed perfectly friendly. Maybe she knows something I don’t, eh? I could have been starting international scandal and not even know it!